Car Finance Refund

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Enter your Date of Birth

By submitting your enquiry, you agree to us using the details you provide to contact you via email, SMS, telephone or post about your potential claim(s). We will handle your data in accordance with our privacy policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the claim process work?

If the Lender rejects the complaint we will then submit your complaint to the FOS (Financial Ombudsman Service). They are an impartial service set up by Parliament to mediate in dispute cases between financial service providers and the people who use them. If they decide someone has been treated unfairly they have legal powers to put things right. The maximum amount of compensation the FOS can award is £150,000.

We will not charge you anything if your claim is unsuccessful, so you have nothing to lose*.

*There is no upfront fee or charge for this service, unless Charterhouse is successful in recovering your compensation. However, if you choose to cancel the contract after the cooling off period we reserve the right to charge an administration fee.

How long does the claims process take?

The payday lender has 8 weeks to reply to your claim. However, they often reply with a rejection letter or a very small offer of compensation. If the payday loan company fails to resolve your complaint by offering a fair amount of compensation, you have the right to take it to the FOS (Financial Ombudsman Service) eight weeks after first raising the issue.  This will increase the time taken to resolve the case.

It is not uncommon for your payday loan claim to be rejected in the first instance. However, if your claim is rejected and we believe you still have a strong case for compensation we can take your complaint to the FOS (Financial Ombudsman Service).

How much does it cost?

Once a client enters a “No-Win No-Fee” with Charterhouse Claims pursuant to the Terms & Conditions, this means that we only charge a fee if we are successful in obtaining an offer of compensation unless you choose to cancel your agreement with us before then. The following is illustration of the amount of the Charterhouse Claims fee if the compensation or redressed recovered from the respondent amounts to:


Redress Awarded (£)

What we will charge you (including VAT) (%)

Max Total Fee Payable


£1 - £1499




£1,500 - £9,999




£10,000 - £24,999




£25,000 - £49,999







Important Note:  If the redress recovered by Charterhouse Claims is used applied by the respondent towards arrears owed, the client remains liable to pay out of his/her own funds the fee chargeable by Charterhouse Claims.

Right to Cancel

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.  The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract.

To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us at Charterhouse Claims Limited, PO Box 3268, South Croydon, CR2 1AZ, [email protected], 0208 916 2424 of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. By telephone OR a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).

You may use the sample cancellation form below, but it is not obligatory.  To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Cancellation Notice


Charterhouse Claims Limited, PO Box 3268, South Croydon, CR2 1AZ, [email protected], 0208 916 2424

I/We [*] hereby give notice that I/We [*] cancel my/our [*] contract for the supply of the following service [*]

Ordered on [*]/ received on [*]

Name of consumers:

Address of consumers:

Signature of consumers (only if this form is notified on paper):


[*]Delete as appropriate